The spa bath is an extremely beneficial treatment for the body. It has a huge impact on the mental state, has an antiseptic effect and alleviates the symptoms of colds. It refreshes and rejuvenates the skin. Restores the balance of the lipid layer. It treats myalgia, skin and circulatory ailments, removes fatigue and insomnia.
The effect of aroma-pearl baths is a process of mechanical, thermal and chemical influence on the human body . The essential oils used in the baths relax, remove stress, calm the mind, remove fatigue and insomnia.
The effect of peat baths is a process of overheating the tissues, leading to their better oxygenation and nutrition. The peat contains mineral salts, bacteria, fungi, bitumen, pectin, cellulose, lignins, biologically active compounds, hormones, humic acids. These factors cause a hormonal overtuning of the body. Mud treatments remove pain, relax muscles, improve stretching of ligaments and tendons and stimulate the endocrine system and internal organs. The bath raises blood pressure and is therefore contraindicated for cardiovascular problems.